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Workman Lab 25th year reunion

Workman celebrates 25 years of exceptional science.

23 September 2017

First Row (from left to right): Jacques Cote, Tamaki Suganuma, Jerry Workman, Li-Jung Juan, Bing Li. Second row: Chhabi Govind, Gerald Dayebgadoh, Saikat Bhattacharya, Mischa Smolle, Michael Carey. Third row: Chun Ruan, Jelly Soffers, Chia-Hui Lin, Hugh Patterton, Samantha Pattenden. Fourth row: Daeyoup Lee, Fu Huang, Amber Mosley. Fifth row: Leanne Well, Kerstin Bystricky, Rhea Utley. Sixth row: Ceci (Ge) Li, Xuanying Li, Jae Hyoun Lee, Michael Kladde, Marissa Vignali, David Steger, Soon-Keat Ooi, Mark Adams. Seventh row: Arnob Dutta, Cedric Clapier, Christine Brown, LeAnn Howe, Vikki Weake. Eighth row: Michael Vermeulen, Seunghee Oh, DeeDee Balkus, Kenneth Witwer, Ryan Mohan. Ninth row: Michael Church, Kristen Hurov (Neely), Marilyn Pray-Grant, José Leonardo Gutiérrez. Back row: Patrick Grant, Christopher Adams, Tom Owen-Hughes.

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