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Environmental and molecular control of tissue-specific ionocyte differentiation in zebrafish

Peloggia J, Lush ME, Tsai YY, Wood C, Piotrowski T. Development. 2024.

An anti-inflammatory activation sequence governs macrophage transcriptional dynamics during tissue injury in zebrafish

Denans N, Tran NTT, Swall ME, Diaz DC, Blanck J, Piotrowski T. Nat Commun. 2022;13:5356 doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-33015-3.

Single-cell transcriptome analysis reveals three sequential phases of gene expression during zebrafish sensory hair cell regeneration

Baek S, Tran NTT, Diaz DC, Tsai YY, Acedo JN, Lush ME, Piotrowski T. [published ahead of print 3-28-2022]. Dev Cell. 2022;57:1-21. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2022.1003.1001.

Tumor-initiating stem cell shapes its microenvironment into an immunosuppressive barrier and pro-tumorigenic niche

He X, Smith SE, Chen S, Li H, Wu D, Meneses-Giles PI, Wang Y, Hembree M, Yi K, Zhao X, Guo F, Unruh JR, Maddera LE, Yu Z, Scott A, Perera A, Wang Y, Zhao C, Bae K, Box A, Haug JS, Tao F, Hu D, Hansen DM, Qian P, Saha S, Dixon D, Anant S, Zhang D, Lin EH, Sun W, Wiedemann LM, Li L. Cell Rep. 2021;36:109674.doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.109674.

Adaptive cell invasion maintains lateral line organ homeostasis in response to environmental changes.

Peloggia J, Munch D, Meneses-Giles P, Romero-Carvajal A, Lush ME, Lawson ND, McClain M, Pan YA, Piotrowski T. Dev Cell. 2021;56:1296-1312 e1297.