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Identification and characterization of intermediate states in mammalian neural crest cell epithelial to mesenchymal transition and delamination

Zhao R, Moore EL, Gogol MM, Unruh JR, Yu Z, Scott AR, Wang Y, Rajendran NK, Trainor PA. eLife. 2024;13 doi: 10.7554/eLife.92844.

The Complete Sequence and Comparative Analysis of Ape Sex Chromosomes

Makova KD, Pickett BD, Harris RS, Hartley GA, Cechova M, Pal K, Nurk S, Yoo D, Li Q, Hebbar P, McGrath BC, Antonacci F, Aubel M, Biddanda A, Borchers M, Bornberg-Bauer E, Bouffard GG, Brooks SY, Carbone L, Carrel L, Carroll A, Chang PC, Chin CS, Cook DE, Craig SJC, de Gennaro L, Diekhans M, Dutra A, Garcia GH, Grady PGS, Green RE, Haddad D, Hallast P, Harvey WT, Hickey G, Hillis DA, Hoyt SJ, Jeong H, Kamali K, Pond SLK, LaPolice TM, Lee C, Lewis AP, Loh YE, Masterson P, McGarvey KM, McCoy RC, Medvedev P, Miga KH, Munson KM, Pak E, Paten B, Pinto BJ, Potapova T, Rhie A, Rocha JL, Ryabov F, Ryder OA, Sacco S, Shafin K, Shepelev VA, Slon V, Solar SJ, Storer JM, Sudmant PH, Sweetalana, Sweeten A, Tassia MG, Thibaud-Nissen F, Ventura M, Wilson MA, Young AC, Zeng H, Zhang X, Szpiech ZA, Huber CD, Gerton JL, Yi SV, Schatz MC, Alexandrov IA, Koren S, O'Neill RJ, Eichler EE, Phillippy AM.  Nature 2024;630:401-411.

The variation and evolution of complete human centromeres

Logsdon GA, Rozanski AN, Ryabov F, Potapova T, Shepelev VA, Catacchio CR, Porubsky D, Mao Y, Yoo D, Rautiainen M, Koren S, Nurk S, Lucas JK, Hoekzema K, Munson KM, Gerton JL, Phillippy AM, Ventura M, Alexandrov IA, Eichler EE. Nature. 2024;629:136-145.

Compartmentalized ocular lymphatic system mediates eye-brain immunity

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Dynamic Changes in Ocular Shape During Human Development and its Implications for Retina Fovea Formation

Rasys AM, Wegerski A, Trainor PA, Hufnagel RB, Menke DB, Lauderdale JD. BioEssays. 2024;46:e2300054.

The Neural Crest and Craniofacial Malformations

Vermeij-Keers C, Matthijssen IMJ, Trainor P, ten Donkelaar HJ. Clinical Neuroembryology: Springer, Cham.; 2023:313-378.